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This page is merely a pointer to a new site / blog – – (I’ll make a link when I’ve got a site to link it to) carrying the accumulated wisdom (or otherwise) of a life mis-spent between good and bad: or, to use any one of a number of ‘straplines’:

• An exploration of moral ambivalence (have you noticed that the best crime thriller plots are based on good people doing bad things or bad people doing good things or good / bad people doing bad / good things?)

• Or … how to be a good bad person and still love yourself

• Or … how to be a bad good person and still love yourself

• Or … How to live with and love yourself if you are a bad good person.

• Or … How to live with and love your good self and your bad self

• Or … Being a sentimental account in 100 or more  stories of 100 or more journeys through the back end of the 20th and front end of the 21st centuries with alarums and excursions into sex, celibacy, drugs, rock’n’roll, meditation, motorcycles, alcohol, addiction, craftsmanship, self hatred, self love … and GOD

More, much more to come. Once I can get this web tech thing sorted. As you can see, it’s a mess. Major struggle with WordPress editor. How do I edit a home page where the © line is 12 years out of date? How do I choose a font I like? etc etc

Illustrations / logos by ©Michael Munday, thank you Michael

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