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Posts by: Aidan

  1. The Ecology of the Soul and Mindful Design April 9, 2018

    Posted in Ecology of the Soul, FX Column - assorted design writings, Uncategorized.

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  2. Four Good Books March 25, 2011

    Posted in Ecology of the Soul, FX Column - assorted design writings.

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  3. Sustainism, Eco-mentalism & inbetweenism March 25, 2011

    Posted in Ecology of the Soul.

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  4. Eco-Mentalism© March 25, 2009

    Posted in Ecology of the Soul.

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  5. Humanity equals sustainability January 20, 2009

    Posted in FX Column - assorted design writings.

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  6. The death of the cheap bench November 27, 2008

    Posted in FX Column - assorted design writings.

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  7. I hate the iPhone, says Aidan Walker, eating his own words heavily spiced with chagrin November 19, 2008

    Posted in FX Column - assorted design writings.

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  8. Redesigning Design November 19, 2008

    Posted in Ecology of the Soul, FX Column - assorted design writings.

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  9. 100% Thoughtful November 19, 2008

    Posted in FX Column - assorted design writings.

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  10. Aidan Walker musters a few reflections on the upcoming FX Award shortlist October 19, 2008

    Posted in FX Column - assorted design writings.

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  11. Design an outcome, not an object September 19, 2008

    Posted in FX Column - assorted design writings.

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  12. icon, econ, youcon, or is it just a con? June 19, 2008

    Posted in FX Column - assorted design writings.

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